Комнат | Внутренние блоки |
Площадь помещения, м2 | 35 |
Тип компрессора | Инверторный |
Бренды | Mdv |
Цвет | белый |
Страна производитель | Китай |
Охлаждение, кВт | 3,52 |
Обогрев, кВт | 3,81 |
Остальное | |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 215028 Threads: 65 Questions: 425573959 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 9368550 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1979.156 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 5119837 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 40 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '1654' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 1654 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 25695 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [date_modify] => 2018-05-15 18:16:47 [product_publish] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 454584.000000 [min_price] => 304650.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Daikin_5MXS90EFTXS20K5sht.jpg [product_manufacturer_id] => 2 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 0 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Daikin 5MXS90E/FTXS20K*5шт [alias_ru-RU] => daikin-5mxs90e-ftxs20k-5sht [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Если вам необходимо установить кондиционеры сразу в пяти помещениях, то вам стоит обратить внимание на готовое решение от компании Daikin – модель мульти сплит-системы 5MXS90E/FTXS20K*5шт. Комплект представляет собой систему кондиционирования, состоящую из одного наружного и пяти внутренних блоков настенного типа. Все устройства оснащены инверторными компрессорами, что значительно повышает их производительность при скромном потреблении электричества.
Основные преимущества рассматриваемой модели мульти сплит системы от торговой марки Daikin:
Предлагаем вашему вниманию готовые комплекты инверторных мультизональных систем кондиционирования воздуха от популярного производителя – Daikin. В нашем интернет-магазине вы найдете решения, рассчитанные на обслуживание одновременно до пяти помещений, что позволит сэкономить пространство стены снаружи помещений, а также сократить расход электрической энергии. Все приборы отличаются много функциональностью, способны не только создать комфортные температурные условия, но и очистить воздух в обслуживаемых помещениях.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 1 [extra_field_3] => 72 [extra_field_4] => 11 [extra_field_5] => 24 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 9 [extra_field_8] => 10,4 [extra_field_9] => 28 [extra_field_10] => 99 [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 4836 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => )Комнат | 5 комнат |
Площадь помещения, м2 | 90 |
Тип компрессора | Инверторный |
Бренды | Daikin |
Цвет | белый |
Страна производитель | Япония |
Охлаждение, кВт | 9 |
Обогрев, кВт | 10,4 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 215028 Threads: 65 Questions: 425573964 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 9368550 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1979.156 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 5119837 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 44 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '1866' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 1866 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 43059 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 2018-05-16 14:00:46 [date_modify] => 2018-05-16 14:00:46 [product_publish] => 1 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 345450.000000 [min_price] => 231480.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Gree_GWHD48SNK3COLCLH.jpg [product_manufacturer_id] => 17 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 576 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Gree GWHD(48S)NK3CO(LCLH) [alias_ru-RU] => gree-gwhd-48s-nk3co-lclh [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Gree (Гри) GWHD(48S)NK3CO(LCLH) представляет собой новейший высокомощный внутренний блок, способный обеспечивать эффективную работу нескольких установленных внутри объекта технологичных блоков внутреннего типа. Рассматриваемое оборудование имеет очень долгий срок эксплуатации, детали его комплектации были исполнены из высоконадежных и устойчивых материалов.
Особенности и преимущества кондиционеров Gree представленной серии:
Мультисплит-системы Gree серии Free Match позволяют экономично создавать необходимые климатические условия на объектах с любой площадью. Блоки нескольких видов, предназначенные для размещения внутри здания, подсоединяются к одному универсальному блоку, размещенному снаружи, таким образом организовывается высокоэффективная климатическая система.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 1 [extra_field_3] => 77 [extra_field_4] => 11 [extra_field_5] => 19 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 14 [extra_field_8] => 15,5 [extra_field_9] => 31 [extra_field_10] => 100 [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 3675 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => [product_categories] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 1654 [category_id] => 7 [product_ordering] => 42 ) ) [product_price_wp] => 454584 [product_price_calculate] => 454584 [product_add_prices] => Array ( ) [product_price_calculate1] => 454584 [product_price_calculate0] => 454584 )Комнат | до 8 комнат |
Площадь помещения, м2 | 110 |
Тип компрессора | Инверторный |
Бренды | Gree |
Цвет | белый |
Страна производитель | Китай |
Охлаждение, кВт | 14 |
Обогрев, кВт | 15,5 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 215028 Threads: 65 Questions: 425573968 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 9368550 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1979.156 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 5119837 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 47 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '2085' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 2085 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 25483 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 2018-05-17 12:47:52 [date_modify] => 2018-05-17 12:47:52 [product_publish] => 1 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 31208.000000 [min_price] => 20860.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Mitsubishi_Electric_MSZ_EF25_VE2W.jpg [product_manufacturer_id] => 10 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 620 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-EF25 VE2W [alias_ru-RU] => mitsubishi-electric-msz-ef25-ve2w [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Внутренний блок Mitsubishi Electric (Мицубиси Электрик)MSZ-EF25 VE2W выполнен в трех вариантах цвета, позволяя вам выбрать оптимальный вариант для своего интерьера. Помимо стильного дизайна, кондиционер отличается эффективностью и надежностью в работе, а так же высоким классом очистки воздуха, благодаря новейшей системе фильтрации с использованием наноплатинового фильтра. В комплекте к кондиционеру поставляется удобный пульт, выполненный в столь же стильном дизайне, не уступающем корпусу самого прибора. Пульт оснащен недельным таймером.
Основные преимущества рассматриваемой модели внутреннего блока мультизональной сплит-системы от торговой марки Mitsubishi Electric:
Серия Design Inverter – это семейство дизайнерских кондиционеров, оформление приборов которого разработано лучшими итальянскими мастерами специально для Mitsubishi Electric. Строгая геометрия привычных форм, лаконичный элегантный внешний вид и удобные компактные размеры прекрасно впишутся в любой современный интерьер. Еще одной новинкой в этой серии является наличие в системах обновленного нано-платинового фильтра с частичками керамики, который еще качественнее чистит воздух от пыли, неприятных запахов, бактерий и различного рода вирусов.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 1 [extra_field_3] => 4 [extra_field_4] => 11 [extra_field_5] => 24 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 2,5 [extra_field_8] => 3,2 [extra_field_9] => 37 [extra_field_10] => 101 [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 332 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => [product_categories] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 1654 [category_id] => 7 [product_ordering] => 42 ) ) [product_price_wp] => 345450 [product_price_calculate] => 345450 [product_add_prices] => Array ( ) [product_price_calculate1] => 345450 [product_price_calculate0] => 345450 )Комнат | Внутренние блоки |
Площадь помещения, м2 | 25 |
Тип компрессора | Инверторный |
Бренды | Mitsubishi Electric |
Цвет | белый |
Страна производитель | Япония |
Охлаждение, кВт | 2,5 |
Обогрев, кВт | 3,2 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 215028 Threads: 65 Questions: 425573972 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 9368550 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1979.156 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 5119837 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 50 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '2176' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 2176 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 25832 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 2018-05-17 15:33:08 [date_modify] => 2018-05-17 15:33:08 [product_publish] => 1 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 405422.000000 [min_price] => 271670.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Mitsubishi_Electric_MXZ_4D83_VAMSZ_SF25VE4sht.jpg [product_manufacturer_id] => 10 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 566 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Mitsubishi Electric MXZ-4D83 VA/MSZ-SF25VE*4шт [alias_ru-RU] => mitsubishi-electric-mxz-4d83-va-msz-sf25ve-4sht [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Electric MXZ-4D83 VA/MSZ-SF25VE от производителя Mitsubishi (Мицубиси)– мультисплит-система, которая допускает подключение четырёх внутренних блоков к одному внешнему одновременно. Модель отличается высочайшей экономичностью и эффективностью, которая достигается благодаря множеству функций и нескольким режимам работы. Несколько вариантов регулирования воздушного потока обеспечивают комфорт в помещении.
Основные преимущества рассматриваемой модели мульти сплит системы от торговой марки Mitsubishi Electric:
Готовые к установке мультизональные системы кондиционирования воздуха от компании Mitsubishi Electric представляют собой комплекты из одного наружного блока и нескольких внутренних – в зависимости от того, сколько помещений вам необходимо обслужить, в данном случае – до пяти. Приборы имеют в конструкции инверторные компрессоры, которые позволят сократить расход электроэнергии. К достоинствам можно отнести и привлекательный облик и простую систему управления.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 1 [extra_field_3] => 7 [extra_field_4] => 11 [extra_field_5] => 24 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 8 [extra_field_8] => 9,4 [extra_field_9] => 37 [extra_field_10] => 98 [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 4313 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => [product_categories] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 1654 [category_id] => 7 [product_ordering] => 42 ) ) [product_price_wp] => 31208 [product_price_calculate] => 31208 [product_add_prices] => Array ( ) [product_price_calculate1] => 31208 [product_price_calculate0] => 31208 )Комнат | 4 комнаты |
Площадь помещения, м2 | 70 |
Тип компрессора | Инверторный |
Бренды | Mitsubishi Electric |
Цвет | белый |
Страна производитель | Япония |
Охлаждение, кВт | 8 |
Обогрев, кВт | 9,4 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
В наших каталогах находится огромный ассортимент сплит систем и вентиляционной техники, гелиосистем, отопительных приборов. Системы микроклимата в Севастополе с доставкой в любой город полуострова мы предлагаем по низким ценам в регионе, так как имеем дилерские соглашения с компаниями производителями.