Haier (Хайер) HSU-36HNH03/R2 – это качественный и компактный, для своего форм-фактора, кондиционер, отличающийся наличием опциональной функции управления по Вай-Фай. Кроме специального режима повышенной мощности, данная модель имеет очень длинный воздушный поток. Сплит-система оснащается не только антибактериальным, но и фотокаталитическим фильтром.
Особенности и преимущества:
Производительная серия настенных кондиционеров Family ON-OFF от именитой компании Haier может похвастаться не только стильным и элегантным дизайном, но и простотой в управлении. Такой модельный ряд в основном используется в небольших помещениях для оптимизации микроклимата. Данные кондиционеры способны как охлаждать, так и обогреватель воздух.
Площадь помещения, м2 | 110 |
Тип компрессора | Не инверторный |
Бренды | Haier |
Цвет | серебристый |
Страна производитель | Китай |
Охлаждение, кВт | 10,55 |
Обогрев, кВт | 10,55 |
Остальное | |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 230814 Threads: 73 Questions: 461450700 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 10529983 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1999.231 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 6705856 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 40 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '246' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 246 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 39863 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 2018-04-16 19:54:59 [date_modify] => 2018-04-19 09:53:09 [product_publish] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 84224.000000 [min_price] => 56393.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Dantex_RK_24SSI.jpg [product_manufacturer_id] => 24 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 190 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Dantex RK-24SSI [alias_ru-RU] => dantex-rk-24ssi [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Бытовой кондиционер с инфракрасным пультом управления в комплекте Dantex (Дантекс) RK-24SSI — это современная разработка достойной производственной компании, которая позаботилась о том, чтобы их изделия были надежно защищены от обледенения и образования коррозии. Представленное оборудование помимо турбо режима для более быстрого нагрева или охлаждения, имеет ночной режим работы.
Особенности сплит-систем серии Space Inverter от бренда Dantex:
Кондиционеры Dantex Space Inverter — это современное оборудование, которое позволяет осуществить создание и поддержание максимально оптимальных для вас и вашей семьи климатических условий в вашем доме — независимо от погоды на улице. Изделия имеют качественное исполнение, защищены от коррозии и обещают служить на протяжении длительного периода времени.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 1 [extra_field_3] => 62 [extra_field_4] => 14 [extra_field_5] => 19 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 6,1 [extra_field_8] => 6,3 [extra_field_9] => 50 [extra_field_10] => [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 896 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => )Площадь помещения, м2 | 55 |
Тип компрессора | Инверторный |
Бренды | Dantex |
Цвет | серебристый |
Страна производитель | Китай |
Охлаждение, кВт | 6,1 |
Обогрев, кВт | 6,3 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 230814 Threads: 73 Questions: 461450707 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 10529983 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1999.231 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 6705856 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 44 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '379' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 379 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 23747 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 2018-04-17 14:40:36 [date_modify] => 2018-04-18 04:45:04 [product_publish] => 1 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 68620.000000 [min_price] => 45950.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Gree_GWH09MA_K3NNC9F.jpg [product_manufacturer_id] => 17 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 586 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Gree GWH09MA-K3NNC9F [alias_ru-RU] => gree-gwh09ma-k3nnc9f [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Традиционная настенная сплит-система Gree(Гри) GWH09MA-K3NNC9F характеризуется энергоэффективностью высокого класса, что делает агрегат невероятно экономичным в расходе электрической энергии. В арсенале преимуществ данного устройства быстрое достижение рабочих параметров, несколько режимов работы, удобное управление и долгие срок безукоризненной службы.
Особенности и преимущества настенных сплит-систем серии COZY Arctic от компании Gree:
COZY Arctic – это семейство настенных сплит-систем бизнес-класса от японского бренда Gree. Агрегаты разработаны специально для круглогодичного обеспечения максимально комфортного уровня микроклимата. Их стильный облик сможет органично вписаться в любое интерьерное решение, не нарушив гармонии стиля оформления. Отличительная особенность линейки – это возможность нормального полноценного функционирования при наружной температуре до -15оС.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 2 [extra_field_3] => 4 [extra_field_4] => 11 [extra_field_5] => 19 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 2,6 [extra_field_8] => 2,8 [extra_field_9] => 31 [extra_field_10] => [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 730 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => [product_categories] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 246 [category_id] => 1 [product_ordering] => 244 ) ) [product_price_wp] => 84224 [product_price_calculate] => 84224 [product_add_prices] => Array ( ) [product_price_calculate1] => 84224 [product_price_calculate0] => 84224 )Площадь помещения, м2 | 25 |
Тип компрессора | Не инверторный |
Бренды | Gree |
Цвет | белый |
Страна производитель | Китай |
Охлаждение, кВт | 2,6 |
Обогрев, кВт | 2,8 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 230814 Threads: 73 Questions: 461450715 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 10529983 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1999.231 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 6705856 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 47 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '688' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 688 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 42903 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 2018-04-18 08:10:28 [date_modify] => 2024-01-02 19:02:50 [product_publish] => 1 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 42394.000000 [min_price] => 52150.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Haier_HSU_12HNF03R2_G.jpg [product_manufacturer_id] => 26 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 577 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Haier HSU-12HNF03/R2 -G [alias_ru-RU] => haier-hsu-12hnf03-r2-g [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Доступная большинству потребителей настенная сплит-система Haier (Хайер) HSU-12HNF03/R2 -G имеет премиальное дизайнерское решение внутреннего блока, на передней панели которого расположен скрытый информативный дисплей с индикацией текущих показателей. Представленная модель работает на обогрев и охлаждение, отличается высокой эффективностью и надежностью.
Особенности и преимущества кондиционеров Haier представленной серии:
Lightera – это элегантная современная серия бытовых сплит-систем с неинверторным управлением от компании Haier. Кондиционеры представлены в современном эксклюзивном дизайне, на передней части корпуса установлен скрытый современный информативный дисплей. Внутренние блоки систем размещаются на стенах в помещениях жилого или административного типа.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 2 [extra_field_3] => 5 [extra_field_4] => 10 [extra_field_5] => 19 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 3,5 [extra_field_8] => 3,8 [extra_field_9] => 52 [extra_field_10] => [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 451 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => [product_categories] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 246 [category_id] => 1 [product_ordering] => 244 ) ) [product_price_wp] => 68620 [product_price_calculate] => 68620 [product_add_prices] => Array ( ) [product_price_calculate1] => 68620 [product_price_calculate0] => 68620 )Площадь помещения, м2 | 35 |
Тип компрессора | Не инверторный |
Бренды | Haier |
Цвет | бежевый |
Страна производитель | Китай |
Охлаждение, кВт | 3,5 |
Обогрев, кВт | 3,8 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
jshopProduct Object ( [_tbl:protected] => #__jshopping_products [_tbl_key:protected] => product_id [_tbl_keys:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id ) [_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object ( [name] => mysqli [serverType] => mysql [connection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 104 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.27-30 [server_version] => 50727 [stat] => Uptime: 230814 Threads: 73 Questions: 461450722 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 10529983 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 131056 Queries per second avg: 1999.231 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 6705856 [warning_count] => 0 ) [nameQuote:protected] => ` [nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => u1300684_default [count:protected] => 50 [cursor:protected] => [debug:protected] => [limit:protected] => 0 [log:protected] => Array ( ) [timings:protected] => Array ( ) [callStacks:protected] => Array ( ) [offset:protected] => 0 [options:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysqli [host] => localhost [user] => u1300684_default [password] => BBaE4k_7 [database] => u1300684_default [prefix] => vbez2_ [select] => 1 [port] => 3306 [socket] => ) [sql:protected] => JDatabaseQueryMysqli Object ( [offset:protected] => 0 [limit:protected] => 0 [db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object *RECURSION* [sql:protected] => [type:protected] => select [element:protected] => [select:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => SELECT [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [glue:protected] => , ) [delete:protected] => [update:protected] => [insert:protected] => [from:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => FROM [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => #__jshopping_products ) [glue:protected] => , ) [join:protected] => [set:protected] => [where:protected] => JDatabaseQueryElement Object ( [name:protected] => WHERE [elements:protected] => Array ( [0] => `product_id` = '946' ) [glue:protected] => AND ) [group:protected] => [having:protected] => [columns:protected] => [values:protected] => [order:protected] => [autoIncrementField:protected] => [call:protected] => [exec:protected] => [union:protected] => [unionAll:protected] => [selectRowNumber:protected] => ) [tablePrefix:protected] => vbez2_ [utf:protected] => 1 [utf8mb4:protected] => 1 [errorNum:protected] => 0 [errorMsg:protected] => [transactionDepth:protected] => 0 [disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_trackAssets:protected] => [_rules:protected] => [_locked:protected] => [_autoincrement:protected] => 1 [_observers:protected] => JObserverUpdater Object ( [aliases:protected] => Array ( ) [observers:protected] => Array ( ) [doCallObservers:protected] => 1 ) [_columnAlias:protected] => Array ( ) [_jsonEncode:protected] => Array ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [product_id] => 946 [parent_id] => 0 [product_ean] => [manufacturer_code] => 13959 [product_quantity] => 1.00 [unlimited] => 1 [product_availability] => [product_date_added] => 2018-04-18 13:25:57 [date_modify] => 2018-04-18 13:26:01 [product_publish] => 0 [product_tax_id] => 0 [currency_id] => 2 [product_template] => default [product_url] => [product_old_price] => 0.0000 [product_buy_price] => 0.0000 [product_price] => 24910.000000 [min_price] => 16650.000000 [different_prices] => 0 [product_weight] => 0.0000 [image] => Timberk_AC_TIM_09H_S10B.png [product_manufacturer_id] => 38 [product_is_add_price] => 0 [add_price_unit_id] => 3 [average_rating] => 0.00 [reviews_count] => 0 [delivery_times_id] => 0 [hits] => 178 [weight_volume_units] => 0.0000 [basic_price_unit_id] => 0 [label_id] => 0 [vendor_id] => 0 [access] => 1 [name_en-GB] => [alias_en-GB] => [short_description_en-GB] => [description_en-GB] => [meta_title_en-GB] => [meta_description_en-GB] => [meta_keyword_en-GB] => [name_ru-RU] => Timberk AC TIM 09H S10B [alias_ru-RU] => timberk-ac-tim-09h-s10b [short_description_ru-RU] => [description_ru-RU] =>Настенная сплит система Timberk (Тимберк) AC TIM 09H S10B – это современный, стильный, невероятно удобный и компактный прибор, в котором совмещены все необходимые функции, необходимые для обеспечения комфортного микроклимата в помещении. Уникальность кондиционера состоит в сочетании таких функций, как обогрев, охлаждение, осушение и вентиляция. Управление пробором простое, осуществляется посредством пульта дистанционного управления.
Основные характеристики Timberk AC TIM S10:
Все модели мобильных кондиционеров серии AC TIM S10 выполнены в современном дизайне, который разработан специалистами компании Timberk. Внутренние блоки оснащены информативным дисплеем с индикатором температуры и выполняемых в момент работы режимов. Управление подсветкой дисплея осуществляется пультом дистанционного управления.
{second_description} [meta_title_ru-RU] => [meta_description_ru-RU] => [meta_keyword_ru-RU] => [extra_field_1] => 2 [extra_field_3] => 4 [extra_field_4] => 15 [extra_field_5] => 19 [extra_field_6] => 25 [extra_field_7] => 2,53 [extra_field_8] => 2,63 [extra_field_9] => 93 [extra_field_10] => [extra_field_11] => [extra_field_12] => 265 [extra_field_13] => [extra_field_14] => [extra_field_15] => [extra_field_16] => [extra_field_17] => [extra_field_18] => [extra_field_19] => [extra_field_20] => [extra_field_21] => [extra_field_22] => [extra_field_23] => [extra_field_24] => [extra_field_25] => [extra_field_26] => [extra_field_27] => [extra_field_30] => [extra_field_31] => [extra_field_32] => [extra_field_33] => [extra_field_34] => [extra_field_35] => [extra_field_36] => [extra_field_37] => [extra_field_38] => [extra_field_39] => [extra_field_40] => [extra_field_41] => [extra_field_42] => [extra_field_43] => [extra_field_44] => [extra_field_45] => [extra_field_46] => [extra_field_47] => [extra_field_48] => [extra_field_49] => [extra_field_50] => [extra_field_51] => [extra_field_52] => [extra_field_53] => [extra_field_54] => [extra_field_55] => [extra_field_56] => [extra_field_57] => [extra_field_58] => [extra_field_59] => [extra_field_60] => [product_categories] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [product_id] => 246 [category_id] => 1 [product_ordering] => 244 ) ) [product_price_wp] => 42394 [product_price_calculate] => 42394 [product_add_prices] => Array ( ) [product_price_calculate1] => 42394 [product_price_calculate0] => 42394 )Площадь помещения, м2 | 25 |
Тип компрессора | Не инверторный |
Бренды | Timberk |
Цвет | черный |
Страна производитель | Китай |
Охлаждение, кВт | 2,53 |
Обогрев, кВт | 2,63 |
Режим работы | холод/тепло |
В наших каталогах находится огромный ассортимент сплит систем и вентиляционной техники, гелиосистем, отопительных приборов. Системы микроклимата в Севастополе с доставкой в любой город полуострова мы предлагаем по низким ценам в регионе, так как имеем дилерские соглашения с компаниями производителями.